Frequently Asked Questions


Information Sheet FAQs for Students

We are delighted that you are interested in adding the Interdisciplinary Ph.D. Emphasis in Applied Linguistics! Since the emphasis was instituted in 2004, well over 50 students have officially added it. As of 2017 over 40 have completed the emphasis along with their Ph.D. degrees, and most believe that their employment opportunities were enhanced by having the emphasis on their transcripts.

1.     How do I add the emphasis?

You simply fill out a one-page form available online “Change of Degree Status Petition,” obtain the necessary signatures, and submit it to the Graduate Division.

2.     When should I add the emphasis?

It is best to add the emphasis earlier rather than later so that you can be informed of events and get to know others in your cohort.

3.     How do I keep informed about news and events?

a. Subscribe to the Applied Linguistics Google Group by sending an email to Periodically, emails are sent regarding lectures, job opportunities and conferences:

b. Attend the lectures in the lecture series by prominent applied linguists. Students are required to attend at least two lectures per year and sign the attendance sheets circulated at each lecture.

4.     What are the requirements?

a.     Two courses (8 units) taken for a letter grade from the core group of applied linguistics courses, which provide the basics of linguistics, second language acquisition theories, second/foreign language teaching methodologies, and practical applications of theory to teaching (Second Language Acquisition Theory and Research (ED 270E, ED 270F, ED 270H); Second Language Teaching Methodology (ED 270B); Technology and Second Language Acquisition (ED 259); Bilingual Language Development (ED 202A); Foreign/Second Language Teaching Practicum (CHIN 251, CHIN 252, CHIN 501 + paper; FR 500 + paper; GER 500 + paper; LING 139 + paper; LING 140 + paper; PORT 590; SPAN 590); Topics in Applied Linguistics (ED 210D).


b.     Two courses (8 units) taken for a letter grade in any of the sub-areas (Linguistics, Discourse, Second Language Acquisition; Language and Society, Socio-cultural Perspectives, Multilingualism and Multiliteracy; Language, Literacy and Composition Studies; Language and Cognition, Psycholinguistics; Language Acquisition Using Technology; Translation Studies, e.g., CLIT 260).  See Master Course List

c.     Independent study (4 units) taken with an appropriate faculty member, leading to a research paper describing theoretical, empirical, or applied work in applied linguistics. Students will also give an oral presentation of their project at any time during the quarter in which they enroll in the independent study or before they graduate.

d.     In addition to the course and unit requirements described above (including the research paper), a portion of the Ph.D. qualifying examination (or separate exam) will test the student’s knowledge within the applied linguistics emphasis.  At least one faculty member of the applied linguistics program shall participate in the qualifying (or separate) examination.


5.     What do I do when I have completed the requirements and am about to file my dissertation?

Download the two-page form available online. Fill out the form, indicating the courses you have taken, the independent study you have done, when your oral exam took place, and when you gave your presentation on your independent study project. Return it to the Director of the Applied Linguistics emphasis, who will then verify the information, sign it, and submit it to the Graduate Division.