Existing courses in the catalogue by topic:
linguistics, discourse, second language acquisition:
Chinese Language Pedagogy | [CHIN 251 ] |
Pedagogical Chinese Grammar | [CHIN 252] |
Sociolinguistics in Education | [ED 207] |
Teaching and Learning L2 Pragmatics | [ED 210D] |
Discourse Analysis in Educational Settings | [ED 224A/ED 221EE] |
Second Language Teaching Methodologies [*core course*] | [ED 270B] |
Second Language Learning in Educational Contexts [*core course*] | [ED 270F] |
Language, Culture and Learning | [ED 270H] |
Introduction to TESOL | [LING 139] |
Linguistics for Non-Linguists | [LING 200] |
Research Methodology and Statistics in Linguistics | [LING 201] |
Discourse Transcription | [LING 212] |
Discourse | [LING 214] |
Semantics | [LING 225] |
Cognitive Foundations of Language | [LING 226] |
Language as Culture | [LING 227] |
Discourse Practice and Social Interaction | [LING 228] |
Ethnographic Methods in Sociocultural Linguistics | [LING 230] |
Foundations of Sociocultural Linguistics | [LING 232] |
Language and the Body | [LING 273A/SOC 273A] |
Linguistics in the Schools [NOTE: only open to students selected to participate in the SKILLS program] | [LING 292] |
Foreign Language Teaching Methodology | [PORT 290/SPAN 290 ] |
Linguistic Analysis | [SPAN 200SS] |
Research Seminar in Spanish Linguistics | [SPAN 296A] |
Topics in Applied Linguistics | [SPAN 299] |
language and cognition, psycholinguistics:
Seminar in Language Development | [ED 209A] |
Cognitive Foundations of Language | [LING 226] |
Acquisition of Grammar | [LING 265] |
Human Memory and Cognitive Processes | [PSY 227] |
Special Topics: Translation and Cognition | [SPAN 594F] |
language and society, language and social interaction, socio-cultural perspectives, multilingualism and multiliteracy:
Crossroads Interdisciplinary Seminar: The Politics of Race and Language in Learning Contexts | [CH ST 594CR / ED 596 / LING 594] |
Bilingual Language Development [*core course*] | [ED 202A] |
Language Socialization and Education | ED 202B |
Sociolinguistics in Education | [ED 207] |
Teaching and Learning L2 Pragmatics | [ED 210D] |
Theory and Practice in Second Language Literacy Instruction | [ED 210D] |
Linguistics Landscape Practices as Situated Pedagogical Resource | [ED 210D] |
Foundations of Sociocultural Learning Theory | [ED 210E] |
Second Language Teaching Methodologies [*core course*] | [ED 270B] |
Perspectives on Educational Language Policy [*core course*] | [ED 270E] |
Second Language Learning in Educational Contexts [*core course*] | [ED 270F] |
Language, Culture and Learning [*core course*] | [ED 270H] |
Cultural Studies in Education | [ED 271] |
Global Education | [ED 272] |
Language as Culture | [LING 227] |
Discourse Practice and Social Interaction | [LING 228] |
Methods in Sociocultural Linguistics | [LING 230] |
Foundations of Sociocultural Linguistics | [LING 232] |
Language, Gender, and Sexuality | [LING 233] |
Topics in Sociocultural Linguistics | [LING 248] |
Seminar in Sociocultural Linguistics | [LING 258AB] |
Language and the Body | [LING 273AB/SOC 273AB] |
Language Socialization | [LING 288] |
Linguistics in the Schools [NOTE: only open to students selected to participate in the SKILLS program] | [LING 292] |
Analysis of Conversational Interaction | [SOC 236] |
Analysis of Interaction in Institutional Settings | [SOC 236I] |
Video Study of Social Interaction | [SOC 236V] |
language, literacy and composition studies:
Literary Translation: Theory and Practice | [CLIT 260] | |
Development of Writing Abilities | [ED 202C] | |
Writing Across the Curriculum and in the Disciplines | [ED 202D] | |
History of Literacy and Social Organization | [ED 202E] | |
Literacy in the Information Age | [ED 202F] | |
Assessment of Writing | [ED 202I] | |
Applied Rhetoric, Poetics, and Linguistics | [ED 208] | |
Theory and Practice in Second Language Literacy Instruction | [ED 210D] | |
Foundations of Sociocultural Learning Theory | [ED 210E] | |
Textual Analysis | [ED 221G/ED 224CC] | |
Research Methods for Writing and Writing Processes | [ED 224C] | |
Literary Theory and Literacy | [FR 233C] | |
Writing in Linguistics | [LING 592] | |
Writing Theory and Practice | [WRIT 501] |
language acquisition enhanced by technology:
Learning and Teaching with Digital Media for Adult Learners | [ED 257AB] |
Technology and Second Language Acquisition | [ED 259] |