Carmen Jany

Carmen Jany
PhD 2008


Professor of Spanish and Linguistics, California State University San Bernadino


Research Interests:

•    Native American Languages (Chimariko – Northern California; Chuxnabán Mixe – Mexico)
•    Documentation of Endangered Languages
•    Linguistic Typology
•    Phonetics and Phonology (all languages; in particular stress systems)
•    Applied linguistics (language preservation and teaching materials for indigenous language communities)
•    Sociolinguistics and bilingualism (in particular as it pertains for Spanish in the United States)


The Emphasis in Applied Linguistics has been been an excellent addition to my PhD in Linguistics and has provided me with interesting coursework outside my department, much needed pedagogical overviews on language teaching, and opportunities to work on other kinds of projects, such as an electronic dictionary source for an indigenous language, overall leading to a greater breadth in my knowledge. Ultimately, it was this additional emphasis which landed me my current job!

Promotion and Tenure (Cal State San Bernadino) in 2011:  Congratulations!